Andycap Funny Dreams (GB SH CH Rocheby Horn Blower x SE U(U)CH Andycap Diamond Dreams) vann båda tikcerten på SSRKs dubbelutställning i Rättvik av 54 tikar. Här fotad med söndagens domare Jan-Erik Ek (Thornbreakers). Lördagens domare var Lena Rollmar. ”Lucy” ägs av Dan Ericsson, Raglan kennel.
Andycap Funny Dreams (UK SH CH Rocheby Horn Blower x SWE SH CH Andycap Diamond Dreams) won both bitch CACs at the Swedish Spaniel and Retriever Club’s double show in Rättvik out of 54 bitches. Here pictured with the Sunday’s judge Jan-Erik Ek (Thornbreakers). The Saturday’s judge was Lena Rollmar. ”Lucy” is owned by Dan Ericsson, Raglan kennel.